(Elite Test) The Signer and the Austere, Act 2

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
(Elite Test) The Signer and the Austere, Act 2
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2023 19:58:34 GMT
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Josh had suffered through many long hardships since he had first met . They had squared off in battle multiple times, including as a fellow Gym Leader and previously as a member of Hoenn's Elite Four. Their last match had been an embarrassment. It was a dream to be on the giving end of a PERFECT fight, a hitless sweep. Incredibly rare at the professional level, it was about as rare as a perfect game in baseball. To suffer such an absolute defeat as a Gym Leader sunk Josh's reputation back to the Stone Age just as he had been building it once again. There was a big difference this time around.

Josh showed confidence. Confidence in his strategy. Confidence in his Pokémon. Most importantly, though, he showed confidence in himself. If, after studying Callan's team, diversifying his own strategy, and using some of the Pokémon he knew best, he would never be worthy of the title Champion.

He felt bad for leaving Saber on the bench, but he needed all the power he could get. He needed Raikiri. But that was for later in the battle. He held Bladestorm's Poké Ball in his right hand and set it in the Trainer's Box's slot, locking in his choice of opening Pokémon. He did so with a certain fire in his eyes. The same kind of fire that was in them when he was driven to anger battling the Slowbro in Lilycove Gym. "No need to exchange pleasantries, Callan. Just you and me. And I assure you this. The outcome of today's battle will be different. No one will stop us this time. Not you, not . No one." A wave of fervor washed out from the heated-looking Mauville Leader as he waited for the starting signal.

It was a Sign of transformation for the Master of Faster.

{WC: 386}
{PC: 1}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS 
Bladestorm      Skarmory          Good  
Sidewinder      Dragapult         Good  
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good  

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Supernova Shredder
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(Elite Test) The Signer and the Austere, Act 2
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2023 5:36:34 GMT
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"Devlin." Callan greets, as the Mauville Gym Leader returns for the second match against him.

"I see, then show me your growth."

Callan sends out his first Pokemon.

"You may begin." The Elite Four's Pokemon show up on the screen behind him in the battle chamber.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
(Elite Test) The Signer and the Austere, Act 2
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2023 2:03:34 GMT
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Josh's growth came with a completely new team and a completely new battle strategy. Rather than going all-out with high speed from the beginning, his game plan was to turn the battleground into a makeshift race course of sorts, where his team would excel. Dropping his first selection into the chute of his Trainer's Box, the Gym Leader's Poké Ball came screaming out of it, emerging a SKARMORY. While the Pokémon was very fast.

With the Elite Four's team laid out on the screen, Josh wondered if his would be there, as well. The Slaking that gave him trouble didn't seem to be there. He couldn't let his guard down, though; just like Josh, Callan likely had Pokémon just as fierce as his own. The Metal Menace, lacking in a Steel-type move, served as a defensive bulwark. Looking to take into the sky from the word go, he would drop STEALTH ROCK and a ROCK SLIDE all over the battleground, looking to alter the arena's terrain to his advantage.

FIELD: Stealth Rock

{WC: 169}
{PC: 2}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS 
Bladestorm      Skarmory          Good  
Sidewinder      Dragapult         Good  
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good  

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Supernova Shredder
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Callan Young
(Elite Test) The Signer and the Austere, Act 2
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2023 23:30:01 GMT
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Stealth Rock was a good starting point, the trainer had learned. The rocks would serve as an excellent foil to the use of any Disguise.

And it was useful against all of his current Pokemon as well. The difficulty however lay in Skarmory's lack of offensive presence, but given the circumstances, it was a good starting round. In its passivity, Josh would need to work around Callan's set up moves.

Callan's Grimmsnarl sets up its REFLECT, an aurora screen envelops surrounding itself like a shield, before it PARTING SHOTS against Devlin's Skarmory. Thanks to PRANKSTER, it sets up the screen and taunts the Skarmory before it releases its STEALTH ROCK, allowing Callan to switch in his Cinderace.

Normally, Rock Slide was a supereffective move that would threaten the Cinderace. In this regard, however, REFLECT and the drop from PARTING SHOT would allow Callan's rabbit Pokemon to effectively take the onslaught of rocks as they pelt into it, dealing a respectable, but relatively minor amount of damage.

Callan pauses, considering Josh's next turn. He pauses, he had won, effectively, based on the type match up. That would not be good, he did not test Josh.

"You may use three moves, next turn, if you wish. Or switch into a Pokemon with two moves." He says.

Reflect: 8 turns on Callan's side of the field.
Stealth Rock is present on Callan's side of the field.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
(Elite Test) The Signer and the Austere, Act 2
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2023 4:50:55 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The exchange happened so fast. It was too fast for even Josh to follow; the Grimmsnarl had retreated in a split second after its hit-and-run tactics, leaving it totally unharmed and the Cinderace almost completely unharmed as a result. The PARTING SHOT was inconsequential in Josh's mind; this Skarmory's job wasn't to attack. It was to manipulate the battlefield to Josh's advantage. When Bladestorm was done, the remaining two Pokémon on the Gym Leader's team would be able to navigate its twists and turns far better than Callan's could.

Josh scowled at Callan's will to idle his Pokémon for even half a round. Was he going easy on the challenger just because he had achieved perfection during their last battle? The self-titled Signer wasn't going to turn down a gift, though, shedding a layer of sharp, SPIKED caltrops from his wings and talons. Perhaps that would spur the Cinderace into action, which was exactly what Josh was looking for.


Bracing himself for impact, the Metal Menace reinforced its IRON DEFENSE where the metallic shards were dropped from. His eyes squarely on the Cinderace, Bladestorm soared well above the fire-type athlete Pokémon before attempting to squish it between his full weight and the minefield of metal hazards littering the spotlight.

FIELD: Stealth Rock; Reflect (8); Spikes (1)

- Josh reluctantly accepts Callan's merciful offer. Skarmory begins setting up layers of SPIKES with the first.
- Skarmory reinforces his shed weak spots with IRON DEFENSE before using that added weight to crash through the Cinderace's defenses with BODY PRESS (uses defense stat as damage).

{WC: 214}
{PC: 3}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS 
Bladestorm      Skarmory          Good  
Sidewinder      Dragapult         Good  
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good  

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Supernova Shredder
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I’d rather watch your star explode
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Callan Young
(Elite Test) The Signer and the Austere, Act 2
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2023 15:33:26 GMT
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"SWORDS DANCE." Callan orders, as Josh prepares his second phase of set up, spreading an additional layer of spikes on the field.

If Callan was to switch, it would become a significant hindrance, but that would be a big supposition, given the advantage of having his Cinderace out at the moment.

With reflect, its defensive capacity would be greatly boosted, even with a monstrously powerful defense stat turning into offense with Body Press, Callan had confidence in Messi's ability to take the blow.

"PYRO BALL." Messi launches an empowered PYRO BALL directly at the Skarmory just before it slams into him. Even with its boosted defense, the damage would be devastating. It would collide into Cinderace, chunking its health down to a third of its vitality.

Reflect: 6 turns on Callan's side of the field.
Stealth Rock is present.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
(Elite Test) The Signer and the Austere, Act 2
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2023 23:58:23 GMT
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Cinderace's retaliatory PYRO BALL grew to colossal size as the Metal Menace took to the skies post-BODY PRESS. Reliant on the Skarmory's pure grit, the Gym Leader knew that no matter what, he was gaining the lead; the avian's STURDY body would not melt under the blaze. In fact, he had planned on the Skarmory taking that hit, the rest of the Steel-type's shrapnel falling off in the attack's aftermath, adding heat to the spikes on the ground. The past Josh would have let out a cry of worry for his Pokémon, withdrawing the felled bird. This Josh smirked.

His plan went exactly as he drew it up.

Pumping both fists upon hearing a determined screech, Josh let the steel-type act upon the instinct their many battles together let them hone. Bladestorm's wings echoed with a tinny hum, blades of air shooting toward the sky as he ascended with great speed, looking to slam into the athletic rabbit with a second full-weight BODY PRESS. Were the Cinderace still standing, it would be easy for the fire-type to pick him off, too exhausted to do anything but ROOST afterward and catch his breath.

FIELD: Stealth Rock; Reflect (5); Spikes (1)

- Skarmory's STURDY leaves it on the brink of collapse from the PYRO BALL.
- After a follow-up BODY PRESS, Skarmory is forced to ROOST, too exhausted to even move. (I will be limiting recovery moves to once per Pokémon)

{WC: 193}
{PC: 4}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS 
Bladestorm      Skarmory          Fair  
Sidewinder      Dragapult         Good  
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good  

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Supernova Shredder
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Callan Young
(Elite Test) The Signer and the Austere, Act 2
POSTED ON Sept 3, 2023 12:37:58 GMT
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The Body Press lands into the Cinderace, the STURDY from Skarmory being the key component in which prevented the Pokemon from being knocked out.

A second BODY PRESS lands onto Messi reeling it back as it gets dangerously low on health. Josh now had an advantage. "Nicely done." Callan replied.

But the battle was not yet over, and the situation was still precarious for the Signer.

Messi launches a second PYRO BALL at Josh's Skarmory, and with it, would likely knock out the bird, unless Josh decides to switch it out.


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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
(Elite Test) The Signer and the Austere, Act 2
POSTED ON Sept 4, 2023 4:32:17 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Too exhausted to move even after ROOSTing, the close-range PYRO BALL laid the Metal Menace to rest for the rest of the battle. While that wasn't exactly as he had written it up, Josh's lead would be impactful even after it had fallen, the race course of hazards he had laid giving him a significant advantage and giving him a window to turn the corner. "You did a wonderful job, Bladestorm. Come back to me." he calmly said, holding up the steel-type's Poké Ball.

Josh lobbed his second partner's Poké Ball in a high arc, a Dragapult appearing from within its bright light. "Lock on target, Sidewinder, and fire!" he commanded, the incredibly fast dragon acquiring said target lock mid-DRAGON DANCE. His already high speed rose to ludicrous levels, zipping circles around Callan's arena before making a sharp turn toward Messi. Even if the foe had a quick move of its own, there was no outracing the living missile's QUICK ATTACK. Not even the physical barrier surrounding him would keep him safe, the phantom INFILTRATING past it.

FIELD: Stealth Rock; Reflect (4); Spikes (1)

- Skarmory faints from excess heat.
- Josh sends out his Dragapult, building speed and power with DRAGON DANCE before ordering a QUICK ATTACK. INFILTRATOR pierces Reflect.

{WC: 177}
{PC: 5}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS 
Bladestorm      Skarmory          KO 
Sidewinder      Dragapult         Good  
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good  

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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
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I’d rather watch your star explode
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Callan Young
(Elite Test) The Signer and the Austere, Act 2
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2023 6:03:58 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
Skarmory goes down, and Callan's Cinderace runs on the spot momentarily as a brief victory before returning its pose into a normal fighting one. "He did indeed." Callan stated, as Josh returns his Pokemon to its rightful ball.

Sidewinder comes out, readying itself for combat with its Dragon Dance. In a blur of speed, the Dragapult unleashes its QUICK ATTACK. Fate was on its side, as the Dragapult's QUICK ATTACK delivers a CRITICAL HIT, landing into the exact spot that Bladestorm had previously struck with its BODY PRESS, eking out just enough damage to knock out Cinderace.

Callan returns Messi to his Poke Ball. "Well done Messi." He says gently, before clipping it back to his belt, to send out his next Pokemon, Twinings, his Polteageist.

"Twinings, empowered SHADOW BALL!" The Poltegeist yips, chewing on the WHITE HERB as it SHELL SMASHES its Teacup, recovering its DEFENSE. The fragments of the teapot shatter into pieces, before reforming into mobile armor around the small, dainty ghost. With its shell disgorged from its shadowy form, it projects a black mass into the air, firin its SHADOW BALL directly at Sidewinder.

An attack that will certainly knock out Sidewinder if he did not dodge it.


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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
(Elite Test) The Signer and the Austere, Act 2
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2023 5:19:36 GMT
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The immense aggression coming from 's Sinistea would have toppled Sidewinder had Josh not done battle in environments where his greatest strength was rendered moot. The previous Josh, the Josh that desired to be Raikou's Avatar above all else, would have met the SHADOW BALL with a kamikaze blow, a show of mastery of speed at the behest of all else.

Not the Josh that stood before Callan today.

This Josh was more cunning and more experienced, yet possessed the same blistering speed he did before. This Josh understood that speed was a tool in a trainer's toolbox, not a win condition all on its own. His strategy could be slanted toward speed without relying on speed. Even with the SHELL SMASH fueling the ghost-type, he still pressed that advantage, but in a defensive way.

Flying away from the SHADOW BALL to give himself the extra time he needed, Sidewinder vanished into the ghostly world of the ethereal realm in a seizure-inducing light show with the efficacy of a CONFUSE RAY. All Josh needed was one opening for the back half of PHANTOM FORCE, and he had control of this battle for the first time. It wouldn't be easy; the re-emergence into the material world had to be perfectly timed. With anything less than perfect timing, the dragon's tail would be exposed to a counterattack that could have caused serious injury if it were not for the Pokémon League's state-of-the-art safety system.

FIELD: Stealth Rock; Reflect (3); Spikes (1)

- Dragapult fades into the ethereal plane in a blinding strobe light with a combination of CONFUSE RAY and PHANTOM FORCE, the SHADOW BALL passing through its flickering body.

{WC: 243}
{PC: 6}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS 
Bladestorm      Skarmory          KO 
Sidewinder      Dragapult         Good  
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good  

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(Elite Test) The Signer and the Austere, Act 2
POSTED ON Sept 26, 2023 2:25:24 GMT
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